Clubs and Activities
Below is a list of the after school activities we offer. Please take a moment and see if there is something for you!
Battle of the Books
This is a fifth grade county wide competition where students read grade level books and compete in a comprehension contest. It is challenging and exciting for the contestants, and a great tool to enhance and expand the love of reading. This contest starts at the beginning of the year when all students are encouraged to read the books on the selected list. Our team has won the Western division of our county numerous times.
Math Masters
This is also a fifth grade competition, where students from schools across the county compete on 5th grade math skills. It is fun and a great challenge for the students on each team.
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a non-profit prevention program that encourages preteen girls to develop self-respect and a healthy life style through running. This is open for girls in grade 3 - 5. Each year the girls participate in two 5K runs and the overwhelming response to join created a need for two separate teams. We hope each year the girls enthusiasm and excitement will continue to be as strong!
Let Me Run
This is a program designed for young boys to develop a healthy life style and skills to carry them through life. Boys experience teamwork, dependability and achieving great goals while running. The teams compete in two 5K marathons each season. There is no greater achievement than finishing a 5K!