Mission and Vision

  • Purpose

    The purpose of Webb Street School is to provide a safe and caring environment that will provide a foundation for lifelong learning. Each student will have the opportunity to experience success with relevant, individualized learning experiences that occur in meaningful settings. We will seek to include family members and appropriate community members in providing relevant educational experiences for students in appropriate community settings.
    The direction of Webb Street School is to provide a safe and orderly learning environment that prepares students to be life-long learners who make informed decisions as they function as independently as possible in home, school and community settings.
    Webb Street School will do the following for our students:
    • Ensure that student learning and development is our first and foremost focus and that all decisions are made in the best interest of students.
    • Provide our students with a safe, orderly and caring environment, high expectations, individualized supports, state approved curricula and encouragement to succeed to help them become independent and productive members of society.
    • Treat each student with respect and dignity to support their unique rate and style of learning, growth and development.
    • Work as partners with parents and the community to provide a wide range of services designed to meet the educational, therapeutic, emotional, physical, and health needs of all students.
    • Provide opportunities for shared responsibility and participation by all stakeholders in the Webb Street School community of learning.
    • Provide career vocational training to our students with a focus on obtaining future employment.
    • Provide motivational strategies to encourage good school attendance, character education traits, positive peer interactions, and acceptable social behavior.
    • Use data-driven research-based practices from the field of Special Education and General Education in a continuous improvement process with a focus on achieving to the highest level obtainable.