Health Sciences

  • Academy Coordinator: Terri Cochrane

    The Health Sciences Academy is designed to serve those students interested in careers in various health fields. It consists of three pathways: Allied Health Science, Medical Science, and Dental Science.
    Check out our:

    The Allied Health Science pathway introduces students to support positions in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities. They focus on becoming multi-skilled health team members and rotate throughout the different hospital areas during their senior year, performing entry-level clinical skills. Students also have the opportunity to obtain a Nurse Aide Level 1 (CNA) certification upon completing this pathway while still at Highland. 


    The Medical Science pathway prepares students to be healthcare workers in an advanced technical or professional health career. Students in this pathway spend 40+ hours in an internship with a healthcare professional during their senior year. The emphasis in the classroom is placed on research, communication, computer literacy, health team relations, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students can earn the following credentials or certifications; CPR, First Aid, OSHA, Stop the Bleed, and Vision Screening. Take a look at the Beyond the DMV program


    The Dental Science pathway, students prepare for careers in the dental field. Students will learn skills that will prepare them to perform entry-level skills through on and off-campus experiences. This program is one of a kind, as we are the only high school in North Carolina with a dental program. Students can earn the following credentials: CPR, First Aid, and OSHA. Dental VI students will have the opportunity to complete the certificate for the State Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology(SPICE).  

    The suggested sequence of courses is available on the Counseling Website. Click below to access and click the Pathway Template to see the courses. 
    Based on the class sizes accommodated in our specialized programs, the numbers of students admitted per pathway will be:
    Health Science Academy:
    • Allied Health - 10
    • Dental Science - 15
    • Medical Science - 25
    Business, Legal and Information Science Academy
    • Business and Legal studies - 24
    • Computer Science - 24
    Manufacturing, Engineering and Graphics Academy
    • Manufacturing and Engineering - 24
    • Graphic Design - 23