East аæèßäapp High School
Information for graduating seniors
June 2017
This information has been compiled for you to help make your last few days as a senior run smoothly. If you do not plan to participate in the graduation ceremony, please let Mrs. McDaniel know by Wednesday, June 7. Please read carefully and see Mrs. McDaniel if you have any questions.
1. Fees
All delinquent fees must be paid by the end of the day on Wednesday, June 7, 2017. Students will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony without clearing all fines. On the morning of practice, no checks will be accepted. You will have to pay cash if you still owe money.
2. Practice
Graduation practice will be held Friday, June 9 at 8:30 am in the gym. The senior slide show will begin at 8 am, so get here early if you want to see it.
-the same school rules that have been applied all year also apply to practice. Students must wear acceptable shorts and shirts; shoes must be worn. No hats!!!
-Any student who plans to participate in the ceremony Saturday morning MUST be at practice on Friday morning for the entire rehearsal. If you do not practice, you do not participate in the ceremony due to the complicated procedure of marching in and out in reverse order of some rows.
-Drinking alcoholic beverages or the consumption of controlled substances will not be tolerated. Any use of alcohol or any other controlled substance will mean being removed from the graduation line and dealt with by the authorities. This will result in suspension from the graduation ceremony.
-Rehearsal will last as long as it is necessary to make sure that the program runs smoothly. Your attention and cooperation will make sure that we finish in as short a time as possible. Plan your work schedules to allow plenty of time for graduation practice.
Reminder: you are not to be on any other school campus during this day!!!
3. Tickets
Each senior will receive five (5) tickets to the gym. You will be offered three (3) tickets for the commons/auditorium areas where closed circuit television will be available for your other guests. Please let your guest know that each person who enters must have a ticket, including children of all ages; however, we respectfully request that babies and toddlers be left at home with a sitter because this is a formal occasion and their inattention disrupts the ceremony. Also, please remember that you mailed announcements to your family and friends, not invitations; these announcements do not entitle them admittance to the ceremony. Remember everyone must have a ticket to be admitted.
There are no “extra” inside tickets. If you would like to put your name in a drawing for unused tickets due to failures, please put your name in the box in the office by senior day, which is Friday, May 26. All tickets will be distributed during practice on Friday, June 9.
4. Graduation
Every senior must dress appropriately in order to participate in the graduation ceremony on June 10th.
Proper Dress includes:
Males = dress shirts and ties, dress slacks, and appropriate shoes
Females = dresses, skirts or dress slacks and blouses, and appropriate dress shoes
Not permitted are extremely high heels, flip flops, tennis shoes, worker/hiking boots, canvas shoes, dirty shoes
Assembly: The school will be open for you to assemble for graduation at 7:30 am. You are to report to the 1st floor, entering through the door at the Senior cafeteria, and look for your alphabet. You will be seated in a classroom until you are wanded and searched by security. You will then line up in the first floor hallway for the processional into the gym. Each person will be responsible for remembering his/her row and seat number. Girls should make arrangements for pocketbooks and keys beforehand.
Proper behavior: This is an occasion that we hope will be a memorable one for you. With this in mind, we remind you of the following:
Be respectful and dignified.
Do not chew gum.
When names are called, omit any expression of approval, or disapproval such as laughing, booing, clapping, etc. Please communicate this to your guests also.
Do not embarrass your family and classmates by showing up “under the influence.” We do not want the event ruined for anyone.
Do not add adornment to your cap and gown. You will not be allowed to participate if you do.
Guests: Please let your family and friends know the general rules of conduct listed above. Also, advise them of the limited parking. Guests should be warned that everyone will be wanded or searched. Please leave pocketbooks at home or locked up to facilitate movement through the doors of school. All persons attending the ceremony in the gym should plan to be seated before 8:55 am and stay throughout the entire ceremony because latecomers and early leavers disrupt and detract from the occasion. Please inform family and friends that there will be a recessional.
Individual taping and photography are allowed as long as they do not interfere with anyone, are individually held, and done from a seated position.
Diplomas: Please return to the classrooms to pick up your diploma as quickly as possible. Teachers will be here for a short time—do not delay. If you do not pick up your diploma in the commons, it may be picked up on Monday, June 12 in the office.
Baccalaureate Service: Sunday, June 4 at 4 pm at Grace Baptist Church in Mount Holly. Refer to proper dress for Graduation. Be at the church by 3:30 pm in your cap and gown.