• Human Services

      Who should enroll in this program?   

      Students interested in social work, counseling, community health, etc.  

      How many years does it take to complete?  

      4 years for the Diploma or 5 years for the Associate Degree

      What college degrees will I earn?  

      Associate of Applied Science in Human Services or Human Services Diploma

      What high school and college classes do I take?  

      High School


      English 9, 10, 11,12

      ENG 111, 112

      Math 1, 2, 3, 4



      Biology, Chemistry

      BIO 110

      World History, Civics

      Amer. History  

      Financial Literacy

      PSY 150, 241, 281

      SOC 220 & PHI 240

      Health and PE

      ACA 122

      HSE 110, 112, 123, 125, 225, 210,227,212,220

      SAB 135, DDT 110, GRO 120, OST 137

      WBL 111, 115, 121,125

      Spanish I, II




      Can I transfer these college classes for a four-year degree?

      Yes, the credit earned from taking the courses in this program may be transferred to a four-year institution that offers a four-degree in Human Services or Social Work.